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Scholarship Applications are now Open!

The Nevada Dairy Farmers' agriculture scholarship is now accepting applications.

Moos Room & Blog

December 9, 2022

Do Your Part to Reduce Food Waste

Did you know that there is a national food waste reduction goal? By the year 2030, the U.S. aims to reduce food waste by 50% (the first-ever domestic goal to reduce food loss and waste)—and we can all play a vital part in ensuring that we reach it.  By making conscious choices when we’re at […]

August 29, 2022

Showing You the Whey

Milk contains 13 essential nutrients, including a high percentage of protein that helps fuel us throughout the day. Milk contains two separate proteins–whey and casein. Whey protein is exclusively found in dairy products and there are many benefits to consuming it, but just what is it, why do we need it, and how can we […]

July 21, 2022

Probiotics – Why We Need Them and Where to Get Them

It’s not news to us that protecting our bodies and fueling it with nutrients that allow us to feel our best is essential. But for some of us, the recommendations others provide can feel unachievable with the minutiae of our everyday lives or simply too expensive. So how do we supplement our bodies with the […]

June 8, 2022

What Does Being Lactose-Intolerant Mean For Me?

The Difference Between an Intolerance Versus an Allergy Knowing the difference between a food intolerance versus a food allergy is important. There are various food groups that we must consume to ensure our bodies get the necessary nutrients it needs. These food groups include, but aren’t limited to, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and dairy. Having […]

April 8, 2022

Finding the Milk that Fits Just Right

Milk is one of the most nutrient-dense beverages you can consume. It’s packed with 13 essential nutrients and is even considered a superfood. Milk is a simple mix of water, healthy fats, and proteins. There are various milk options that we can reach for when we are at the grocery store. Understanding the differences between […]

January 28, 2022

Taking Care of Others Begins With Taking Care of Ourselves, First!

It’s no secret that life has changed for all of us over the last couple of years. In some ways drastically, in some ways subtly, but it didn’t ever really slow down. We’re all still juggling a million things at once, whether that’s at home or at work. Scheduling “you” time can feel counterproductive, but […]

April 23, 2021

Dietary Guidelines for Americans Find Additional Essential Nutrients in Milk

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are reviewed every five years. The most recent Dietary Guidelines were released in December 2020 for 2020-2025. In the new guidelines, dairy is credited with four additional essential nutrients than previously defined.  Before the latest update, dairy was documented as providing nine (9) essential nutrients. Based on the latest guidelines, […]

March 12, 2021

What does a healthy balanced diet look like?

It’s National Nutrition Month® and we’ve asked our registered dietitian, Jennifer McCune, RDN, LD, what we need to eat to get the nutrients and calories we need to stay healthy. There are many things to consider when determining a balanced diet. Since we are all unique in that we come from different cultural backgrounds, have […]

January 20, 2020

Best Friends Forever: Calcium & Vitamin D

There are a lot of great duos out there from peanut butter and jelly to Batman and Robin. There is also a less iconic duo that has a really important role in our bodies, and some history worth sharing too. Calcium and vitamin D are an important pair and have good reason to be in […]

November 1, 2019

Milk Found to be More Hydrating Than Water

When you think of hydration, your mind probably thinks of water, but did you know that milk is actually made up of 85% water? A new study from Scotland’s St. Andrews University found milk to be even more hydrating than plain water due to its nutrient-rich composition. Milk naturally has nutrients that make it better […]

October 9, 2019

The Importance of Family Meals

Family dinners don’t have to be reserved for a formal meal during a holiday or special occasion, they can happen any day and time that works for your family. Eating together as a family is one of the most important things you can do for your kids. Studies show that when adolescents and young adults […]

September 24, 2019

Refueling with Dairy for Young Athletes

From football to soccer and gymnastics to ballet, no matter the type of workout, recovering and refueling afterward is just as important as before and during the workout. Kids are often on the go and let’s face it, think they’re pretty invincible, but helping them fuel their body right is important for their growth and […]