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Moos Room & Blog

June 20, 2024

The Dairy Games: Everyone’s a Winner with Dairy!

As an athlete, your nutritional needs are unique and require careful consideration to optimize performance, recovery, and overall health. Nutrient-dense foods like dairy, whole grains, fruits and vegetables offer vitamins and minerals essential to keeping athletes healthy. Dairy is a superfood, boasting 13 essential nutrients including whey protein, a protein exclusive to dairy. Check out […]

May 30, 2024

From Farm to Fitness! Get Your Body Moo-ving

Whether you’re looking to train for your next marathon or just a simple at-home workout, what you eat before and after is key in restoring your body with the fuel needed to perform. For some, this can be a complicated process to figure out, as there is a lot of information on supplements and diets […]

April 11, 2024

Meet the Real Dairy Girls

This month, we celebrated National Farm Animals’ Day, and we figured,  what better way to celebrate it than introducing you to the ladies on the farm. In Nevada, there are two different breeds of dairy cows that stomp the yard: Holstein cows and Jersey cows.  Let’s take a deep dive into the histories of these […]

March 6, 2024

From The Farm to Schools

What we eat plays a significant role in our overall health, energy and mental health which is why it’s important to incorporate protein, whole wheat, dairy, fruits and vegetables into our diet. Nutrient dense meals are vital for growing and developing children especially for the first meal of the day, breakfast. When kids start their […]

February 12, 2024

February Recipe Wrap Up

It’s true; there’s love in every bite of food that includes dairy, which is why there are so many national days in February that celebrate dairy-friendly recipes. The Nevada Dairy Farmers are firm believers that a healthy diet is consistent with dairy, whole grains, proteins, legumes, fruits and vegetables, but we also leave room for […]

January 8, 2024

How do Farmers Track & Monitor Their Cows?

You’ve probably noticed that most cows, especially here in Nevada, have number tags on their ears. These numbers serve as a lifelong identification of the cow and help farmers tell them apart, find specific cows and keep track of their herd. Additionally, you might have noticed that many cows here also wear collars. These collars […]

January 2, 2024

Realistic Goals and Wellness in 2024

Resolutions are a tired and unrealistic way to set expectations of ourselves in the New Year. Though taking on bigger initiatives to lead a more health-conscious life sounds appealing, roughly only 16 percent of individuals keep to their New Year’s resolutions. A more pragmatic approach could be to implement nutritious foods and physical activity we […]

Making milk carton gingerbread houses.

December 21, 2023

Sustainable Christmas Crafts with Your Kiddos!

Get ready to make a holiday “moo-sterpiece” out of milk cartons from school lunches! The holidays are for celebrating family traditions and creating new ones. This year, The Nevada Dairy Farmers have compiled a list of sustainable holiday crafts for you and your family to enjoy with used dairy products. You may wonder, “Why use […]

November 29, 2023

Churning Up The Joy This Holiday Season with Full-Fat Dairy

The Gift of Health Benefits with Whole Fat Milk It’s that time of year where we gather around with our loved ones, bringing together traditions old and new to celebrate the holidays. We look forward to delicious holiday dishes, secret family recipes and nostalgic baked goods made together in the kitchen. Though these long-standing rituals […]

November 16, 2023

The History of Thanksgiving Dinner and Dairy’s Place at The Table

The History of Thanksgiving  In 1621, Pilgrims and Wampanoag at Plymouth Colony gathered to feast over their first fall harvest. This ceremonious feast is noted in history as the first ever, “Thanksgiving”. On the menu at this dinner were items such as goose, duck, corn, bread and porridge. Though Thanksgiving is now more of a […]

October 17, 2023

Why Dairy Isn’t Scary

Taking a Look at Some of Google’s Top Dairy Searches When it comes to what we eat, we want the full scoop so we know what we’re putting into our bodies. Food and its nutritional value is one thing, but many of us care about the impacts our food has on the planet and how […]

September 26, 2023

Is Dairy on Your Grocery List? It Should Be!

Are you wondering what dairy products to add to your grocery list for your next shopping trip? Well, you’re in the right place! Dairy items can be a fantastic addition to your diet, offering a range of delicious options that provide essential nutrients, including protein, calcium, and vitamin D. Not only does dairy help you […]