Homemade Ice Cream

Homemade Ice Cream
It’s national ice cream month and we love ice cream! There’s nothing better on a hot summer day than a scoop of your favorite flavor. Ice cream is actually really easy to make at home and is a great activity for kids.
- 3 Cups Ice cubes
- 1 Cup Half and half
- 1/3 Cup Kosher salt
- 2 Tbsp Sugar
- 1/2 Tsp Vanilla extract
- 1 Pint-size Ziplock bag
- 1 Gallon-size Ziplock bag
- Any of your favorite ice cream mixings
- Combine half and half, sugar and vanilla extract in the pint-size ziplock bag. Push out the excess air and seal.
- Combine the ice and salt in the gallon-size ziplock bag.
- Place the small bag inside the bigger bag and seal the bigger bag.
- Shake vigorously for 10 minutes until ice cream has hardened.
- Enjoy!
Make a variety of flavor by using different flavorings or extracts, as well as chocolate chips, nuts and other mixings.
Inspired by and adapted from: delish