Buñuelos (Fried Dough Balls)

These sugary Columbian treats are bound to be a crowd-pleaser for the holidays. Buñuelos are soft, doughy, and perfectly sweet. Read below to follow along with the recipe & don’t forget to upload a picture and tag @NevadaMilk when you try this tasty treat out for yourself!
Fried Sugar Dough Balls
- 3/4 cup flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- vegetable oil for frying
- Sift the flour.
- Mix all the liquid ingredients and then gradually incorporate the sifted flour. We recommend mixing it with your hands until the dough has a soft consistency.
- Form small balls from the mix using your hands.
- In a deep pot, heat the vegetable oil to 300°F and carefully drop the balls in the warm oil.
- Monitor the temperature of the oil, since the ideal is that the fritters are browned before burning.
- Remove from oil and drain on a plate lined with paper towels.
- Your buñuelos are ready to eat. Enjoy!
Recipes consulted for ingredients & steps:
Buñuelos (Spanish)
- 250 g de harina (3/4 tazas)
- 2 huevos
- 1/2 taza de leche entera
- 3 cucharadas de azúcar
- 1 cucharada de esencia de vainilla
- Aceite vegetal para freir
- Tamiza la harina y sepárala.
- Mezcla todos los ingredientes liquidos y luego incorpora poco a poco la harina ya tamizada. Lo ideal es mezclar con las manos hasta que la masa este homogénea.
- Separa un poco de masa y dale forma redonda los buñuelos.
- En una olla profunda, calentamos suficiente aceite a 300°F (o 150°C) para freir los buñuelos.
- Vigila la temperatura del aciete, ya que lo ideal es que los buñuelos se doren antes de quemarse.
- Retira los buñuelos sobre papel absorbente para eliminar exceso de aceite y cubrelos con azúcar.
- ¡Tus buñuelos están listos para disfrutar!