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Realistic Goals and Wellness in 2024

January 2, 2024

Resolutions are a tired and unrealistic way to set expectations of ourselves in the New Year. Though taking on bigger initiatives to lead a more health-conscious life sounds appealing, roughly only 16 percent of individuals keep to their New Year’s resolutions. A more pragmatic approach could be to implement nutritious foods and physical activity we enjoy slowly over time. A good way to maintain a healthy balance of exercise and nutritional wellness in 2024 is following the 4 R’s: rehydrate, refuel, repair, and rest!


Rehydrating after a workout helps our bodies replenish the electrolytes and water lost while moving. Hydrating is a key factor in cooling off your body and preventing heat-related illnesses like overheating, heat exhaustion or passing out. Ways  to rehydrate our bodies after a tiring workout: 

Nature’s Sports Drink

There’s a reason milk is considered “nature’s sports drink”, milk is packed with 13 essential nutrients, has 8 grams of protein per one 8 oz. serving, and is 85 percent water making it incredibly hydrating. Milk also isn’t cut with additional fillers or sugars, making it the most natural beverage to grab when you’re pining for something more satiating than water. Whether you prefer regular, chocolate or strawberry milk, it’s the go-to beverage when we’re in need of rehydrating and getting some extra fuel in. See below for recommended daily consumption sizes of milk based on age.

Drinking Plenty of Water

Drink water to replace the essential nutrients and fluid lost during a workout. One tip to making sure you’re drinking an adequate amount of water is to weigh yourself before a workout and weigh yourself after. The difference between the two numbers indicates the amount of fluid lost and needed to replenish. Though this is a helpful tip, it’s important to also remember hydrating throughout the day. Keeping a reusable water bottle at your side is a good way to remind yourself to drink water.


During a workout, our muscles create energy to help push us through the task; this energy is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). For our bodies to generate ATP, muscles need a source of fuel and, typically, this comes from the glucose in your bloodstream from your most recent meals. Once your body takes up all the glucose and needs more fuel, it taps into other fuels, glycogen, and fat. Because your body can run low on glycogen, it’s important to get it through food. This is why refueling with foods after a workout is essential to re-energize your body. 

Here are some post-workout snacks we’d suggest refueling with:

  • An 8 oz. glass of whole, 2% percent, or skim milk
  • A Whey Protein Shake
  • Greek Yogurt 
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Lean Meats 
  • Tuna Salad 
  • Eggs
  • Sweet Potatoes 
  • Fruit 



Whether your daily exercise consists of low aerobic exercises like hiking, swimming or biking or you subscribe to high intensity training like crossfit, running or weight lifting, it’s important to give your muscles a break. Stretching is a vital component of keeping muscles loose and maintaining a wide range of motion in the joints. Stretching also helps increase muscle blood flow and decreases your risk of injuries. If you can’t stretch daily for a short period of time, stretching 2-3 times a week for a longer period of time is a fine alternative. 



Getting good sleep has been proven to positively affect our memory, heart health and reduce stress. When it comes to working out, sleep gives our body the time it needs to recover, conserve energy and allow our muscles to repair themselves.

Making your health a priority looks different to each and every person. Finding a routine, activity or diet that works for you is the best way to incorporate realistic goals into your life. 

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